Dynamic Improvement of Convergence Rate for Simulation of Temperature
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <libmc.h> int main() { int i, local_port = 5050, server_port = 5130; char *server_name = "bird1.engr.ucdavis.edu"; char mobagent[2][20] = {"PointJacobi.xml", "PointSOR.xml"}; MCAgency_t agency; agency = MC_Initialize(local_port, NULL); for(i=0; i<2; i++) { MC_SendAgentMigrationMessageFile(agency, mobagent[i], server_name, server_port); sleep(100); } MC_End(agency); return 0; }
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include <libmc.h> #define IMAX 100 #define JMAX 100 struct Matrix { double x[IMAX][JMAX], y[IMAX][JMAX]; double t[IMAX][JMAX], tnew[IMAX][JMAX]; double residual[IMAX][JMAX]; }matrix; int main() { int i, j, ii, jj, count=0; double maxres[100000]; FILE *stream; char *file1="temp.txt", *file2="x.txt", *file3="y.txt", *file4="maxres.txt", *file5="z.txt"; MCAgency_t agency; MCAgent_t agent; MCAgencyOptions_t options; int local_port = 5130, mutex_var, *agentID, numResult; char *funcname = "numerical_method", **agentName, **serviceName; /* Set all the threads on, except the 'command prompt thread' */ MC_InitializeAgencyOptions(&options); for(i=0; i<MC_THREAD_ALL; i++) { MC_SetThreadOn(&options, i); } MC_SetThreadOff(&options, MC_THREAD_CP); agency = MC_Initialize(local_port, &options); mutex_var = MC_SyncInit(agency, 55); /* Set up x and y matrices */ for(i=0; i<IMAX; i++) { for(j=0; j<JMAX; j++) { matrix.x[i][j] = cos(M_PI_2*(IMAX-i-1)/(IMAX-1)); matrix.y[i][j] = cos(M_PI_2*(JMAX-j-1)/(JMAX-1)); } } /* Initialize t matrix */ for(i=0; i<IMAX; i++) { for(j=0; j<JMAX; j++) { if(matrix.x[i][j]==cos(M_PI_2) || matrix.x[i][j]==1.0) { matrix.t[i][j] = 3.0*matrix.y[i][j]+2.0; } else if(matrix.y[i][j] == cos(M_PI_2)) { matrix.t[i][j] = fabs(cos(M_PI*matrix.x[i][j]))+1.0; } else if(matrix.y[i][j] == 1.0) { matrix.t[i][j] = 5.0*(sin(M_PI*matrix.x[i][j])+1.0); } else { matrix.t[i][j] = 3.5; } } } /* Start the iterations */ clock(); do { MC_MutexLock(agency, mutex_var); MC_SearchForService(agency, funcname, &agentName, &serviceName, &agentID, &numResult); while(numResult == 0) { MC_MutexUnlock(agency, mutex_var); MC_MutexLock(agency, mutex_var); MC_SearchForService(agency, funcname, &agentName, &serviceName, &agentID, &numResult); } agent = MC_FindAgentByID(agency, agentID[0]); MC_CallAgentFunc(agent, funcname, NULL, &matrix); MC_MutexUnlock(agency, mutex_var); MC_DestroyServiceSearchResult(agentName, serviceName, agentID, numResult); count++; for(i=1; i<(IMAX-1); i++) { for(j=1; j<(JMAX-1); j++) { matrix.t[i][j] = matrix.tnew[i][j]; } } maxres[count-1] = matrix.residual[1][1]; for(i=1; i<(IMAX-1); i++) { for(j=1; j<(JMAX-1); j++) { if(matrix.residual[i][j] > maxres[count-1]) { maxres[count-1] = matrix.residual[i][j]; ii = i+1; jj = j+1; } } } printf("maxres: %.3e count: %d\n", maxres[count-1], count); } while(maxres[count-1] >= 1.0e-3); printf("\nIterations: %d\n", count); printf("\nCPU time: %.3f secconds\n", clock()/1000000.0); printf("\nMaximum residual: %.3e degree, at T(i,j)=T(%d,%d)\n\n", maxres[count-1], ii, jj); /* Write the final temperature data into a file */ stream = fopen(file1, "w"); if(stream == NULL) { printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", file1); exit(-1); } for(i=0; i<IMAX; i++) { for(j=0; j<JMAX; j++) { fprintf(stream, "%8.4f", matrix.t[i][j]); } fprintf(stream, "\n"); } fclose(stream); /* Write x coordinates into a file */ stream = fopen(file2, "w"); if(stream == NULL) { printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", file2); exit(-1); } for(i=0; i<IMAX; i++) { for(j=0; j<JMAX; j++) { fprintf(stream, "%8.4f", matrix.x[i][j]); } fprintf(stream, "\n"); } fclose(stream); /* Write y coordinates into a file */ stream = fopen(file3, "w"); if(stream == NULL) { printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", file3); exit(-1); } for(i=0; i<IMAX; i++) { for(j=0; j<JMAX; j++) { fprintf(stream, "%8.4f", matrix.y[i][j]); } fprintf(stream, "\n"); } fclose(stream); /* Write maximum residual of each interation into a file */ stream = fopen(file4, "w"); if(stream == NULL) { printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", file4); exit(-1); } for(i=0; i<count; i++) { fprintf(stream, "%.3e\n", maxres[i]); } fclose(stream); /* Write zero into a file */ stream = fopen(file5, "w"); if(stream == NULL) { printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", file5); exit(-1); } for(i=0; i<IMAX; i++) { for(j=0; j<JMAX; j++) { fprintf(stream, "%2d", 0); } fprintf(stream, "\n"); } fclose(stream); return 0; }
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE myMessage SYSTEM "gafmessage.dtd"> <GAF_MESSAGE> <MESSAGE message="MOBILE_AGENT"> <MOBILE_AGENT> <AGENT_DATA> <NAME>Point_Jacobi</NAME> <OWNER>IEL</OWNER> <HOME>iel2.engr.ucdavis.edu:5050</HOME> <TASKS task="1" num="0"> <TASK num="0" persistent="1" return="no-return" complete="0" server="bird1.engr.ucdavis.edu:5130"> </TASK> <AGENT_CODE> <![CDATA[ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define IMAX 100 #define JMAX 100 struct Matrix { double x[IMAX][JMAX], y[IMAX][JMAX]; double t[IMAX][JMAX], tnew[IMAX][JMAX]; double residual[IMAX][JMAX]; }matrix; int main() { int i, numServices = 1, mutex_var = 55, *agentIDs, numResults; char **services, **agentNames, **serviceNames; MCAgent_t agent; services = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*numServices); for(i=0; i<numServices; i++) { services[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*15); } strcpy(services[0], "numerical_method"); mc_SearchForService(services[0], &agentNames, &serviceNames, &agentIDs, &numResults); if(numResults == 0) { mc_RegisterService(mc_current_agent, services, numServices); } else { mc_MutexLock(mutex_var); mc_DeregisterService(agentIDs[0], serviceNames[0]); agent = mc_FindAgentByID(agentIDs[0]); mc_DeleteAgent(agent); mc_RegisterService(mc_current_agent, services, numServices); mc_MutexUnlock(mutex_var); mc_DestroyServiceSearchResult(agentNames, serviceNames, agentIDs, numResults); } for(i=0; i<numServices; i++) { free(services[i]); } free(services); return 0; } void numerical_method(struct Matrix *matrix) { int i, j; double tip, tim, tjp, tjm, xip, xim, yjp, yjm; for(i=1; i<(IMAX-1); i++) { for(j=1; j<(JMAX-1); j++) { tip = matrix->t[i+1][j]; tim = matrix->t[i-1][j]; tjp = matrix->t[i][j+1]; tjm = matrix->t[i][j-1]; xip = (0.5)*(matrix->x[i][j]+matrix->x[i+1][j]); xim = (0.5)*(matrix->x[i][j]+matrix->x[i-1][j]); yjp = (0.5)*(matrix->y[i][j]+matrix->y[i][j+1]); yjm = (0.5)*(matrix->y[i][j]+matrix->y[i][j-1]); matrix->tnew[i][j] = (0.5)*((tip+tim)/pow((xip-xim),2) +(tjp+tjm)/pow((yjp-yjm),2)) *(pow((xip-xim),2)*pow((yjp-yjm),2) /(pow((xip-xim),2)+pow((yjp-yjm),2))); matrix->residual[i][j] = fabs(matrix->tnew[i][j]-matrix->t[i][j]); } } } ]]> </AGENT_CODE> </TASKS> </AGENT_DATA> </MOBILE_AGENT> </MESSAGE> </GAF_MESSAGE>
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE myMessage SYSTEM "gafmessage.dtd"> <GAF_MESSAGE> <MESSAGE message="MOBILE_AGENT"> <MOBILE_AGENT> <AGENT_DATA> <NAME>Point_SOR</NAME> <OWNER>IEL</OWNER> <HOME>iel2.engr.ucdavis.edu:5050</HOME> <TASKS task="1" num="0"> <TASK num="0" persistent="1" return="no-return" complete="0" server="bird1.engr.ucdavis.edu:5130"> </TASK> <AGENT_CODE> <![CDATA[ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define IMAX 100 #define JMAX 100 struct Matrix { double x[IMAX][JMAX], y[IMAX][JMAX]; double t[IMAX][JMAX], tnew[IMAX][JMAX]; double residual[IMAX][JMAX]; }matrix; int main() { int i, numServices = 1, mutex_var = 55, *agentIDs, numResults; char **services, **agentNames, **serviceNames; MCAgent_t agent; services = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*numServices); for(i=0; i<numServices; i++) { services[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*15); } strcpy(services[0], "numerical_method"); mc_SearchForService(services[0], &agentNames, &serviceNames, &agentIDs, &numResults); if(numResults == 0) { mc_RegisterService(mc_current_agent, services, numServices); } else { mc_MutexLock(mutex_var); mc_DeregisterService(agentIDs[0], serviceNames[0]); agent = mc_FindAgentByID(agentIDs[0]); mc_DeleteAgent(agent); mc_RegisterService(mc_current_agent, services, numServices); mc_MutexUnlock(mutex_var); mc_DestroyServiceSearchResult(agentNames, serviceNames, agentIDs, numResults); } for(i=0; i<numServices; i++) { free(services[i]); } free(services); return 0; } void numerical_method(struct Matrix *matrix) { int i, j; double tip, tim, tjp, tjm, xip, xim, yjp, yjm; double lamda = 1.8, GS; for(i=1; i<(IMAX-1); i++) { for(j=1; j<(JMAX-1); j++) { if(i == 1) { matrix->tnew[i-1][j] = matrix->t[0][j]; } if(j == 1) { matrix->tnew[i][j-1] = matrix->t[i][0]; } tip = matrix->t[i+1][j]; tim = matrix->tnew[i-1][j]; tjp = matrix->t[i][j+1]; tjm = matrix->tnew[i][j-1]; xip = (0.5)*(matrix->x[i][j]+matrix->x[i+1][j]); xim = (0.5)*(matrix->x[i][j]+matrix->x[i-1][j]); yjp = (0.5)*(matrix->y[i][j]+matrix->y[i][j+1]); yjm = (0.5)*(matrix->y[i][j]+matrix->y[i][j-1]); GS = (0.5)*((tip+tim)/pow((xip-xim),2) +(tjp+tjm)/pow((yjp-yjm),2)) *(pow((xip-xim),2)*pow((yjp-yjm),2) /(pow((xip-xim),2)+pow((yjp-yjm),2))); matrix->tnew[i][j] = lamda*GS + (1-lamda)*matrix->t[i][j]; matrix->residual[i][j] = fabs(matrix->tnew[i][j]-matrix->t[i][j]); } } } ]]> </AGENT_CODE> </TASKS> </AGENT_DATA> </MOBILE_AGENT> </MESSAGE> </GAF_MESSAGE>
plottemp.ch (for plotting the steady-state temperature distribution)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <chplot.h> #define N 100 int main() { int i, j; double x[N][N], y[N][N], t[N][N]; FILE *stream; CPlot plot; string_t title="Steady-State Temperature Distribution"; string_t xlabel="X (m)"; string_t ylabel="Y (m)"; string_t zlabel="Temperature (C)"; stream = fopen("x.txt", "r"); for(i=0; i<N; i++) { for(j=0; j<N; j++) { fscanf(stream, "%lf", &(x[i][j])); } } fclose(stream); stream = fopen("y.txt", "r"); for(i=0; i<N; i++) { for(j=0; j<N; j++) { fscanf(stream, "%lf", &(y[i][j])); } } fclose(stream); stream = fopen("temp.txt", "r"); for(i=0; i<N; i++) { for(j=0; j<N; j++) { fscanf(stream, "%lf", &(t[i][j])); } } fclose(stream); stream = fopen("output.txt", "w"); for(i=0;i<N; i++) { for(j=0;j<N; j++) { fprintf(stream, "%f %f %f\n", x[i][j], y[i][j], t[i][j]); } fprintf(stream, "\n"); } fclose(stream); plot.dimension(3); plot.dataFile("output.txt", "using 1:2:3 with lines palett"); plot.title(title); plot.label(PLOT_AXIS_X, xlabel); plot.label(PLOT_AXIS_Y, ylabel); plot.label(PLOT_AXIS_Z, zlabel); plot.grid(PLOT_ON); plot.plotting(); return 0; } |
Integration Engineering Laboratory | UCD MTU Sandia |