Example 1: Part Localization in Assembly Automation
Mobile Assembly Agent
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE myMessage SYSTEM "gafmessage.dtd"> <GAF_MESSAGE> <MESSAGE message="MOBILE_AGENT"> <MOBILE_AGENT> <AGENT_DATA> <NAME>myagent</NAME> <OWNER>IEL</OWNER> <HOME>mouse2.engr.ucdavis.edu:5050</HOME> <TASK task="1" num="0"> <DATA dim="0" name="no-return" complete="0" server="mouse2.engr.ucdavis.edu:5051"> </DATA> <AGENT_CODE> <![CDATA[ #include <stdio.h> #include "robot.h" #define X_PXCENTER 455.1459 #define Y_PXCENTER 322.8292 #define CAMALPHA (-.1271) int getObjPos(array short objPXLoc[2]); int calObjPos(array double ja[4], array short objPXLoc[2], array double objPos[2]); int main(void) { array double jold[4] = {0,0,0,0}, jnew[4], trans_matrix[4][4], end_tmatrix[4][4], ready2[4] = {120.0, 143.0, -50.0, 0.0}, visualAng[4]= {160.0, 210.0, -50.0, -110.0}, objPos[2]={0}; array short objPXLoc[2]={0}; int status, j, ibm_conf = NOFLIP; char ans; // Instanciate CRobot class class CRobot ibm = CRobot(ROBOT2, RUN_REALTIME); // Calibrate IBM robot and conveyor status = ibm.Calibrate(); // Move IBM robot to ready position // ready2 position is ready position with Z = -50 status = ibm.Drive(ready2); status = ibm.MoveWait(); while(1) { // Move IBM to visually localize part ibm.Drive(visualAng); jold = visualAng; ibm.MoveWait(); // Get Object Position getObjPXLoc(objPXLoc); calObjPos(jold, objPXLoc, objPos); printf("AGENT: Calculated Obj Position: %0.4f\n", objPos); // Move IBM to Initial MoveLine Position trans_matrix=robot2ZeroPosition; trans_matrix[0][0] = cos(110*3.1415/180); trans_matrix[0][1] = -sin(110*3.1415/180); trans_matrix[1][0] = sin(110*3.1415/180); trans_matrix[1][1] = cos(110*3.1415/180); trans_matrix[0][3] = objPos[0]; trans_matrix[1][3] = objPos[1]-40; trans_matrix[2][3] = jold[2]; printf("IBM Moving - X: %.2fmm Y: %.2fmm Z: %.2fmm\n", trans_matrix[0][3], trans_matrix[1][3], trans_matrix[2][3]); ibm.InverseKinematics(trans_matrix, jold, jnew, ibm_conf); ibm.Drive(jnew); ibm.MoveWait(); // Drop the Z axis trans_matrix[2][3] = -150.0; printf("IBM Moving - X: %.2fmm Y: %.2fmm Z: %.2fmm\n", trans_matrix[0][3], trans_matrix[1][3], trans_matrix[2][3]); ibm.InverseKinematics(trans_matrix, jold, jnew, ibm_conf); ibm.Drive(jnew); ibm.MoveWait(); // Open IBM robot gripper printf("IBM Opening Gripper\n"); status = ibm.GripperOpen(); // calculate required movement for desired position end_tmatrix = trans_matrix; end_tmatrix[1][3] = objPos[1]; ibm.MoveLine(trans_matrix, end_tmatrix, 10, ibm_conf); // Close IBM robot gripper printf("IBM Closing Gripper\n"); status = ibm.GripperClose(); // Bring the Z axis up trans_matrix = end_tmatrix; trans_matrix[2][3] = -20.0; printf("IBM Moving - X: %.2fmm Y: %.2fmm Z: %.2fmm\n", trans_matrix[0][3], trans_matrix[1][3], trans_matrix[2][3]); ibm.InverseKinematics(trans_matrix, jold, jnew, ibm_conf); ibm.Drive(jnew); ibm.MoveWait(); // Move to Ready 2 Position jold = ready2; ibm.Drive(jold); ibm.MoveWait(); // Open IBM robot gripper printf("Repeat (Y/N)?\n"); ans = getc(stdin); if(ans != 'Y' && ans != 'y') break; } // Move IBM robot to ready position // ready2 position is ready position with Z = -50 status = ibm.Drive(ready2); status = ibm.MoveWait(); status = ibm.MoveReady(); status = ibm.MoveWait(); // Close IBM robot gripper status = ibm.GripperClose(); // Disable IBM robot status = ibm.Disable(); printf("Program Complete.\n\n"); return 0; } int getObjPXLoc(array short objPXLoc[2]) { short* data; printf("AGENT:Triggering the vision agent now.\n"); mc_CondSignal(42); printf("AGENT:Waiting for a message.\n"); data = (short *)mc_AclWaitRetrieve(mc_current_agent); objPXLoc[0] = data[0]; objPXLoc[1] = data[1]; printf("AGENT:Got the point: "); printf("%d %d\n", data[0], data[1]); return 0; } int calObjPos(array double ja[4], array short objPXLoc[2], array double objPos[2]) { array double alpha[4] = {120, 137, 0, 0}; array double joints[4] = ((double)(3.1415/180.0))*(ja-alpha); array double A1[4][4] = {{cos(joints[0]), -sin(joints[0]), 0, 0}, {sin(joints[0]), cos(joints[0]), 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}, A2[4][4] = {{cos(joints[1]), -sin(joints[1]), 0, 325.0}, {sin(joints[1]), cos(joints[1]), 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}, A3[4][4] = {{cos(CAMALPHA), -sin(CAMALPHA), 0, 225.0}, {sin(CAMALPHA), cos(CAMALPHA), 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}, P[4][4] = {{1, 0, 0, (X_PXCENTER-objPXLoc[1])*60.0/265.1208}, {0, 1, 0, -(Y_PXCENTER-objPXLoc[0])*60.0/265.1208}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}, A4[4][4] = A1*A2*A3*P; printf("AGENT: DIF: %0.6f %0.6f\n", P[0][3], P[1][3]); printf("AGENT: OBJ: %0.6f %0.6f\n", A4[0][3], A4[1][3]); objPos[0] = A4[0][3]; objPos[1] = A4[1][3]; A4 = A1*A2*A3; printf("AGENT: Ref position: %.6f %.6f\n", A4[0][3], A4[1][3]); return 0; } ]]> </AGENT_CODE> </TASK> </AGENT_DATA> </MOBILE_AGENT> </MESSAGE> </GAF_MESSAGE> |
Integration Engineering Laboratory | UCD MTU Sandia |